PTG President: Rochelle Wizmur

Welcome to The Parent Teacher Group of Kellman Brown Academy.

We are very excited to welcome you to KBA.  The PTG is an organized group of volunteers, both parents, and teachers, who work together to help the school. We organize fundraisers, assist teachers and the administration, and help with events and holiday celebrations.

Participating in PTG is a great way to get to know other parents, help the school continue to thrive and have a voice in what we do.

Here are some of our annual events:

  • Distributing apples and honey for Rosh Hashanah

  • KBA PTG Challah Sale!

  • Ongoing fundraisers from Plum Prints and Label Daddy (use coupon code KELLMAN for 10% off, and to give a 15% of your order to KBA!)

  • Scholastic book fair

  • Amazon Smile - When you shop at Amazon Smile you can also help KBA. Please just designate our school as your preferred charity and .05% of your purchase will go to KBA.

  • KBA Family Sunshine Fund - $85 per student for 2 annual teacher gifts, simchas, mitzvahs, and losses in our KBA family - Sunshine Chair is Talya Spivak - information will come out soon with the link to contribute to this fund.

Volunteers co-chair and help at events, bring ideas to PTG, and lend support in many different ways. Please email with any questions, suggestions, or to volunteer!