Before Care at KBA: Monday-Friday: If you need to drop off your child before 8:10 AM, please sign up for our Early Care program. Our program provides students with a fun, nurturing way to start the school day. Please see below for details.
infant/toddler early care- begins at 7:30am:
Students ages 3 months to 23 months have coverage included in their tuition from 7:30am-5:30pm and do not require an extra sign up. IMPORTANT NOTE: For staffing purposes, please email Brianne Slusar at to let her know if your child will be utilizing the extra hours outside of the regular school day hours.
age 24 months - 8th Grade early care- begins at 7:00am:
Students ages 24 months through 8th grade who need to be dropped off before 8:10 am requires a separate Early Care sign up which begins at 7:00am. Please use the link below to register. Please note there is a 10% reduction for more than one child.
Sign up by August 14th:
$1,750/year per child
Sign up after August 14th:
$1,800/year per child
For more information, please email:
After Care at KBA: First day of aftercare is September 5th.
Our After Care program provides students with a comfortable and playful environment. Please provide a healthy snack. See below for details.
infant and toddler after care goes until 5:30pm MONday-FRIDAY:
Students ages 3 months - 23 months have after care coverage included in their tuition from 7:30am-5:30pm and do not require an extra sign up for early or late care. IMPORTANT NOTE: For staffing purposes, please email Brianne Slusar at to let her know if your child will be dropping off before 8:30 and/or staying after 3:30.
age 24 months - 8th Grade goes until 6:00pm MONday-THURSday AND UNTIL 5:30PM ON FRIDAY:
For students ages 24 months through 8th grade, after care goes until 6:00 PM Monday - Thursday and until 5:30PM on Fridays. Please specify which consistent days of the week your child/children will be attending the After Care program. If you are not registered and need coverage for an emergency you will be billed separately for that day - the daily rate for emergency drop in is $30/day.
* We staff for the year to ensure we have the necessary coverage for our after care program. Days will not be reimbursed if a child is absent or is scheduled for another after school program * Please note there is a 10% reduction for more than one child.
Sign up by August 14th:
5 days: $3,050
4 days: $2,650
3 days: $2,150
2 days: $1,630
1 day: $990
Sign up after August 14th:
5 days: $3,120
4 days: $2,720
3 days: $2,220
2 days: $1,700
1 day: $1,060
* Please note, there will be a $10 charge per student for every 5 minutes late past the pick up time*